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Don't be discouraged when people say your dream is not realistic. A dream is not what it is, it is what it can be.
Hamro Team ("Our Team") is a story about people coming together to achieve a common goal. It is about daring to dream, and to fight all odds to pursue it. It is also about instilling confidence and developing leadership in youth. Hamro Team is about knowing who you are as an individual, and what you can become as a team.
Seema is a star player in a girl's national football team. She also coaches students in a local high school. She is an excellent striker, an effective captain and a potential leader. Her father (also her coach in the girls' football team) and mother are happy that Seema has won a Lottery Visa to US and that she will be leaving football ("Girls have no future in sports in Nepal.") to pursue a more prosperous and safer future. But Seema has a different dream.
Hamro Team was written by Nepali writers working closely with Search for Common Ground Nepal and is produced locally with AB Pictures Pvt. Ltd. Hamro Team is directed by Bhusan Dahal.
Hamro Team is in Nepali with English Subtitles.
The young cast of Hamro Team is composed of both experienced actors and as well as those making their acting debuts. Here, in their own words, are their personal dreams for peace in their lives and for Nepal:
"There should be an environment for people – irrespecrtive of their class or religion – to eat, sleep and work without fear. That is peace." --Reecha Sharma
"If I live fearlessly and freely wherever I go – that would be peace for me." --Niraj Kumar Chaudhary
"Peace for me would be to live freely; without conflict and to excel one's being with the nation." --Ghanashyam Kumar Mishra
"Due to the lack of understanding of what peace really is, and how it is possible to achieve it, I think Nepal has not yet fully succeeded." --Daya Hang Rai
The Team has received funding from the following: