Leadership Wisdom Initiative

The Leadership Wisdom Initiative (LWI) is a high leverage project that provides transformational leadership development, conflict resolution training, and personalized coaching to elite and emerging leaders in politics, civil society, and high impact global agencies worldwide. We combine deeply held values about our common humanity with Search for Common Ground's (SFCG) trademark ability for practical, on-the-ground application.


The core of our approach is leadership from the inside-out. We invite leaders to understand how their inner world affects their experience of the outer world. We work with each individual at a profound level, asking them to consider what kind of leader they aspire to be. Our programs create the opportunity for leaders to reflect on their experiences and draw upon their inner wisdom while approaching the challenges they face every day.


Authentic leadership that synthesizes the inner and outer arts of leadership, merging mindfulness and leadership of the self with interpersonal leadership and conflict resolution skills

Leadership for the whole – not just for "my" party, faction, tribe, or group – that is rooted in a profound sense of our common humanity and interconnectedness

Compassionate leadership that facilitates problem solving and heals societal divisions