Join The Search

join the search

We’re a global movement mobilizing millions of young people to end violent and destructive conflict. Every generation has a role to play in finding constructive solutions to the world’s problems. Our movement is a platform for cross-cultural conversations and a vehicle for change on the global level.

Take the pledge to join the global movement to end violent conflict.

We’re not just the future. We’re the now.


take the pledge

We believe our different beliefs, values, and backgrounds should never stop us from working together. We believe we can change our response to conflict, from destructive to constructive, without compromising who we are. We know we don’t have all the answers, but we’re willing to search.

I will do my part to end violent and destructive conflict in my life, my community and the world.

help us reach
1 million pledges
by international
day of peace!

Pledgers receive one update email a month with a monthly challenge, inspiring story, and virtual event invite.


Connect with people all over the planet – we’re in 123 countries and counting!
Discover who’s near you and change your community together.

Google+ Communities

Global Talk: JTS On Air
Ebola And Violent Conflict: The Unseen Connection

Facebook Group

violence is a leading cause of death among
young people aged 15-29


JTSchallenge September

A monthly online challenge to exercise your conflict solving muscles and raise awareness about the impact of violent conflict.

take action

Searchers are the leaders and the heart of the movement.

  • Start a local team
  • Host an awareness event
  • Fundraise/Donate

take action


19 of 20 of the world’s poorest countries have experienced violent conflict in recent years.


If we’re going to wage peace in this crazy world, we need gear. Get equipped to spread the word and handle whatever is thrown your way.


Check out latest video featuring your photos from the #spreadthelove challenge! Use it to invite your friends to sign the pledge!


Brought to you by:

PfC drives social change by creating the dynamic connections that foster great ideas, and by providing partners with the resources they need to take action.

The Global Partnership to support Children and Youth Participation in Peacebuilding is a community of practice that brings together large international NGOs, national & international level children/youth-led or children/youth-focused organizations, scholars and champions who believe in the key role young people play in peacebuilding processes around the world. See all member organizations here.

Developed by:

Search is an international peacebuilding and conflict resolution organization, operating out of 54 offices in 34 countries around the world.

See all partners