Episodes Summaries for The Team in Ethiopia - Season 1
Below is a sampling of episodes for The Team in Ethiopia, including the first 10 of 50 broadcasts:
The Shower (Episode 1)
After the water on the football field is turned off, the players are conflicted over how to solve the problem. They work out their differences by figuring out a fair way to divvy up the costs of restoring the water. Friction develops between Hagos and Ollana because of Ollana's interest in Hagos' sister, Aresema.
The Crush (2)
Aresema has a crush on the coach, Dr. Said, and won't give Ollana the time of day. After Abush helps him, Ollana ends up at a professional football game with Aresema, thinking he finally has a chance to be alone with her. But after a few minutes, who shows up but the doctor! Ollana later comes across two groups quarreling over the use of a football field. The potential for violence is high, but Ollana steps in to mediate. Aresema is impressed with his generous behavior and negotiating skill.
Work Ethic (3)
Aresema has started to like Ollana, but his pushiness leads to a falling out on the field. Hagos and Ollana quarrel over “values” – art versus a traditional job. The doctor mediates the problem, and the musician is set up in his own small business via a fundraiser.
Tariffs (4)
The footballers have to take a taxi to go to a game across town; the driver tries to extort money beyond the regulated fee. They stand up to him, making him pull over by a police station, and the police officer enforces the tariff.
Rivalry (5)
When Hagos and Ollana go to a local pub with their teammates to watch a British football game on satellite, emotions run high and someone accidentally gets hurt. Dr. Said steps in to quell the argument and help the injured person. Aresema is angry with her brother and Ollana for the fight.
Restitution (6)
A group of neighborhood boys mug Aresema because they're hungry and end up hurting her arm. The kids want to apologize, but Hagos wants revenge. Ollana intervenes and gives the boys a chance to work off the debt for Aresema and Hagos. Aresema appreciates the way Ollana handled the mugging. Yet Ollana thinks Aresema is not interested in him and goes out with someone else.
The Table Turns (7)
Ollana wants to use the football field as a location for a music video about his life. Hagos thinks Ollana is out for himself and doesn't want to see his neighborhood exploited, but then Ollana agrees to give back some of his profits to a neighborhood program. Aresema realizes she has feelings for Ollana but he's so busy he doesn't notice.
Bureaucracy (8)
Aresema takes dinner to Ollana's house but finds his new girlfriend is there. Ollana is surprised, and his interest in Aresema is rekindled. Ollana and Hagos accidentally collide and Ollana's wrist is broken. Dr. Said is unable to get Ollana admitted into the ER until the doctor realizes Ollana is well-known and is suddenly willing to do anything to help him. But Ollana refuses to jump the line, insisting that everyone in the hospital deserves fair treatment.
The Music Store (9)
Ollana and his new girlfriend break up. He decides to run for club manager, the job always held by Hagos. The two go behind one another's backs in an effort to discredit one another. The coach becomes annoyed with both of them and finally says, "Tell us why we should elect you, not why we shouldn't elect your competition.” Hagos and Ollana end up sharing the job.
Harassment (10)
A professor at the university threatens not to give Aresema a good grade unless she sleeps with him. She can't tell her brother, Hagos, because she's afraid of what he might do. She confides in Ollana. Ollana tells Aresema that the professor can’t get away with this and that she has to go to the authorities. Aresema and Ollana finally both recognize that they're interested in one another.
The Team has received funding from the following: