Episode Summaries for The Team in Democratic Republic of Congo - Season 1
Fertility (Episode 1)
An argument ensues between Coach Filipo and his wife when he blames her for the fact that they are unable to conceive children. When his wife travels the following day on business, Filipo vents to his friend and teammate Apollo about his longing to have children. Trouble brews when he meets another woman, who is willing to marry Filipo if he agrees to adopt and help raise her two sons. He takes the woman on as a second wife, causing strife at home.
A Big Match (2)
After football practice, Filipo returns home, leaving behind his two new sons in the stadium. When fellow teammate Lydia spots them she decides to take them home where she tries to contact Filipo. The kids feel unwelcome in their new home when they hear Filipo’s first wife denounce them as “wizards.” The kids opt to spend the night on the street instead. All is well before they are spotted by the police, harassed, and taken to the police station.
Tribalism (3)
When Lydia gets benched at football practice, she starts questioning her self-worth. It turns out that the player who replaced Lydia is actually the coach’s cousin; the players become concerned that their coach is playing favorites between the tribes. When the big game arrives, Filipo and his teammates fail to play well together as a team, which ends up costing them the game.
Date Rape (4)
Nono breaks up with her boyfriend and starts dating a handsome and wealthy young man. The seemingly perfect new boyfriend, however, soon reveals his less-than-ideal character. On the night before a football match he locks Nono in his home and, against Nono’s will, doesn’t use protection when they have sex. When she tells Lydia and Zizina what happened, they urge her to go to the hospital. Nono starts to question her relationship with this man and whether the encounter at his house was rape. It also enrages her brother Filipo, who goes directly to the police station to report the incident.
Taking Action (5)
The team is about to win a match when Lydia trips and falls due to the terrible state of the football field terrain. After the loss, the girls complain to one another about the condition of the field, and decide not to play on the pitch until something is done to improve it, angering Filipo. A week goes by and the team does not meet for practice. Zizina comes up with an idea of how to raise funds to rebuild their field, and when Apollo puts the plan in action the team manages to raise $150.
Popular Justice (6)
Filipo’s first wife attends a big football match. During the game she continuously yells out the score and shouts “We will win!” When her “prophecy” comes true, a young fan from the opposing team accuses her of being a sorcerer, and a massive fight between fans develops outside the stadium. Filipo’s wife is saved by police and taken to the hospital, where she tries to convince Filipo to seek revenge. Upon learning the identity of the young man, Nono realizes that he is her neighbor, and later learns he was brutally mistreated by authorities and is now being illegally detained by the military.
Manipulation (7)
When Apollo and Filipo both run for president of the football team, they learn lessons about manipulation and deceit. Issues of class and tribal allegiances are explored, and the teammates start splitting into two camps.
Reconciliation (8)
Lydia deals with forgiving and forgetting after a horrible massacre in her village left scores of people dead, including her brother. Filipo begins to realize that it is best when opposing groups work together, instead of against each other, for a better future.
AIDS (9)
After getting diagnosed with HIV, Nono decides she wants to commit suicide. Her teammates, however, convince her that she can continue to live a happy and relatively normal life if she agrees to start taking the proper medication. Her diagnosis leads the entire team to learn more about the spread of HIV and how to prevent it.
Political Participation (10)
Zizina wants to get involved in politics, particularly to represent the youth population. Apollo takes her under his wing, but with intentions other than simply having her be a part of his committee. Filipo manages to intervene and Zizina removes herself from Apollo’s campaign.
Corruption (11)
When the team wins the qualifying match, Apollo starts taking advantage of their celebrity and tries to force the players to act as his advocates in the presidential race. The current president of the team and Filipo do not agree with this kind of corruption and manipulation, and work to counteract Apollo’s efforts.
Human Rights (12)
Following incidents of stealing, cheating and bribery by fans and security guards at a football game, Filipo is beaten and arrested by police. The team players and their families deal with the issue of police corruption and brutality.
The Team has received funding from the following: