CGP-produced Peace Songs

The following are short descriptions of each Peace Song produced by Common Ground Productions.

Angolan Peace Song
"A paz e que o povo chama" ("People are calling for peace")

Throughout the civil war in Angola there were UNITA musicians and Government musicians. For someone on one side to hum a song from the music of the other was sometimes seen as a sign of disloyalty. Today, there is new hope for peace in Angola, and popular musicians on both sides have come together to sing a song for peace. Over the years, this song has become an anthem for peace in Angola. Produced in 1997. Lyrics in Portuguese; subtitles and lyric sheets available in English.

Click here to go to our Angola country programme section.

Macedonian Peace Song
Nashe Maalo Pop Song

Common Ground Productions produced a pop music video on the Nashe Maalo theme song featuring Albanian, Macedonian and Roma artists. The lyrics reinforce Nashe Maalo's messages of tolerance and the celebration of diversity. Released to TV and radio stations, the Nashe Maalo song and video became hits throughout the country, competing for popularity with commercial pop music. Produced in 2000. Lyrics in Albanian and Macedonian.

Click here to go to our Macedonia country programme section.

Middle East Peace Song
"In My Heart"

David Broza and Said Murad, two popular Israeli and Palestinian performers, wrote the theme song for the CGP-produced documentary series The Shape of the Future. Broza and Wisam Murad recorded the song and appeared in a music video. Produced in 2005. Lyrics in Arabic and Hebrew; subtitles and lyric sheets available in English.

Click here to go to our Middle East programme section.