CGP Methodology

Common Ground Productions is a unique production company in that all of our programs aim to bring about positive social change in conflict-ridden areas. To this end, we have developed a successful working methodology based on careful planning, localized content and thorough monitoring and evaluation. By including research at every phase of a project, we ensure that our projects are effective, efficient and of the highest quality.

Context Assessments
Extensive planning must occur before embarking on a new initiative. Central to this process is identifying what gaps exist in current peacebuilding efforts and how media can assist in addressing them. Considerations include the nature of the conflict, the local media landscape, the potential impact of peacebuilding organizations, potential partners and institutional implications. CGP recognizes the emotional and dynamic nature of conflict and takes the time necessary to listen carefully to individuals' fears, concerns and experiences before beginning a conversation about what may done to improve the situation.

Project Development
Once a decision has been made to become engaged, research is designed to provide vital information for structuring a project. CGP carefully considers the target audience and its access to different media, inherent risks, costs and funding considerations. As projects develop, story lines, character sketches, concepts and pilot episodes are researched and pre-tested with target audiences in order to re-calibrate materials for maximum relevance.

CGP employs local personnel (writers, actors, production crews, etc.) as much as possible during the production of a program. These people have the best understanding of the conflict at hand, the concerns of the various stakeholders and the messages that will resonate with audiences. CGP believes that there is no "one size fits all" approach to peacebuilding: successful media for change must be tailored to the specific conflict in question.

Periodic strategic planning sessions that involve all staff and major partners to the project are conducted in coordination with other related research and evaluation efforts. The feedback from these sessions is essential in determining if the project has been creative in responding to changes in the conflict situation, whether the presence of the organization is still desired and appropriate and what changes can enhance the project to ensure success as well as long-term sustainability.

Impact Evaluations
Project evaluation criteria must be carefully designed along with the rest of the project. Research is critical to guarantee that the goals of a project are effective yet realistic. Setting clear objectives at the onset also aids greatly in gauging the success of a project after it has run its course. This sort of planning is usually done in terms of intended outcomes.

The intended outcomes of a radio or television program are statements that specify the changes we want to effect in the lives of viewers and listeners. These changes may concern knowledge, skills, attitudes or behavior--in any case, it is important that these changes be objectively measurable. Intended outcomes do not describe the content of the show but rather the state of the community after the program has run its course. For dramatic programming, these outcomes are described in the form of a series curriculum. Naturally, all intended outcomes must be in line with the organization's overall mission and the context-specific objectives of each regional initiative.

Impact studies engage various qualitative and quantitative research methods to ascertain the extent to which a project has realized its intended outcomes. These methods may vary based on the nature of the individual projects; where appropriate, the curriculum forms a basis from which the studies are planned and implemented. Independent media and research firms may be hired to carry out these studies. Evaluations of CGP project are available online for Nashe Maalo (Macedonian children's TV show) and Gimme6 (Cypriot children's TV show).