Gimme6 Evaluation

Evaluation of Gimme6
The evaluation of Gimme6 sought to gain insight into the overall impact of the show. More specifically, it aimed to gather information about the lifestyles of the target audience (Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot children), the series' reach and appeal and the extent to which the show altered children's perceptions of other ethnic groups. The report was completed in May 2002.

Key findings
The content of Gimme6, with its multi-national setting and focus on sports and music, provided a relevant viewing experience for both Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot children.

The reach of the series was limited. Less than 10% of the Greek Cypriot respondents and only 5% of the Turkish Cypriot respondents watched any of the Gimme6 episodes. However, various assessments revealed that the children who did watch the series provided high overall ratings, found the characters appealing and enjoyed the program's multi-cultural and multi-linguistic elements.

The ability to assess changes in attitude related to viewing Gimme6 was limited by the small numbers of children who had viewed the show. Despite this, a comparison of the attitudes of children who had seen the show and those who had not revealed promising potential: those who had seen Gimme6 perceived greater commonality between themselves and other children. The series appears to have had the greatest impact on attitudes relating to the intelligence, competence and future prospects of members of the opposite ethnic group, as well as to shared interests.

Further information
To read the full text of the "Gimme6 Evaluative Summary," please click here [pdf].