Media Training

Refusing to let radical minority groups define Muslim-Western relations, Partners in Humanity has hosted more than a dozen workshops equipping almost 300 media professionals, civil society and religious leaders, and bloggers from over 30 countries with the tools and opportunities to foster understanding through the media
"[I now realize that] everyone has a role to play in Muslim-Western relations. I don't have to be an expert on the subject to be able to put out an effective message."
– Participant of the May 2010 Middle East & North Africa Thought Leaders Workshop on Opinion Writing and Interviewing for better Muslim-Western Understanding
"This training has been very important because the fundamentalist groups in Indonesia already use the media very effectively to influence society and spread the politics of fear. We need a community of people like us who have a background in Islam and religious education and are equipped to speak out about Islam to counter radical constructs."
– Inayah Rohmaniyah, professor in the department of Islamic theology and philosophy at the State Islamic University, Sunan Kalijaga, in Yogyakarta and participant of the 2010 Countering Radicalization Using the Media Training Workshop
"I never thought that a journalist could deal positively with "conflict issues". This workshop showed me how a journalist can adopt a conflict resolving approach instead of putting fuel on fire."
– Participant of the November 2008 Common Ground Media Workshop for Mainstream Pakistani and Bangladeshi Media
"I write op-eds and I used to write hateful articles to confront the conservative party. I realized through this workshop that I should write balanced articles in order to find common ground."
– Participant of the May 2010 Middle East & North Africa Thought Leaders Workshop on Opinion Writing and Interviewing for better Muslim-Western Understanding
Common Ground Media Workshops
Click here for a full list of Common Ground Media training workshops.
Common Ground Media Training Resources
Click here for training resources for peacebuilders, thought leaders and media practitioners.