We know “ending violent conflict” is an ambitious plan, so we’ve broken it up into four goals that will help us contribute to our grander vision. Our hope is to…
 1. Mobilize and empower young people to use conflict as an opportunity for positive change — not violence.
 2. Raise awareness about the impact of violent conflict & the role young people play to stop it.
 3. Eliminate child and youth involvement in ALL forms of violence, especially organized armed violence..
 4. Make the impact of violent conflict & the role young people play to end it common knowledge.
If you agree, your next step is simple: Sign the pledge to end violent conflict and join us.
We need 1 million people pledging to solve conflicts constructively in their own lives, communities, and around the world by International Day of Peace 9/21/2015.
Then what?
First, we celebrate. Then, we decide collectively on what one million of us should do that year to help end violent conflict. And we do it. With 1 million of us standing together, who can stop us?
Why Violent Conflict?
With all of the problems in the world, why are we going after violent conflict? So glad you asked…
Violence is a leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29. |
Globally, 1.6 million people die every year as a result of violence. |
90% | of those who die in war are not soldiers; |
They’re Civilians. |

 Child Soldiers
 Hate Crime
 Sexual Abuse
 Armed Conflicts
 Gang Violence
 Gun Violence
 Physical Abuse
Literacy is the lowest in places of violent conflict because schools cannot operate.  |
In these areas,
Children have up to a
deficiency and disease.
Yet children and youth are ignored in efforts to build peace. They are left out of peace talks, policy debates, and security councils. They have no platform to protect themselves.
Join The Search to end violent conflict is changing the equation
This movement of millions is a megaphone for children and young people speaking out against the violence that preys on them.
Monthly Activities
JTS Challenge — A monthly activity/campaign utilizing social media that helps us practice our conflict-solving muscles, while letting the world know how we end violent conflict.
Inspirational story — An article or video featuring a young peacebuilder who has conquered adversity.
JTS On Air — An interactive, virtual event on a pressing conflict or global issue, featuring young people on the ground and experts in the field.
Online Community
Can you say you have friends on every continent? This is your chance to get to know other pledgers in countries all over the world.
Join our Google+ Community and Facebook Group to swap stories and ideas.
Start a Local Team
Want to mobilize young people in your community? Become a Searcher and start your own team in your community or at school. Searchers get special access to trainings, tools, video chats with our peacebuilders around the world, mixers, workshops, and more.
Searchers are the leaders and the heart of the movement.
Soul Searching Experiences
When we do come together, it won’t just be an event — it’ll be an experience. Stay tuned for future concerts, festivals, conferences, trainings and summits coming near you.
UN Resolution
Beyond being a platform for conversation and connecting, Join the Search to End Violent Conflict is a vehicle for change. Violence disportionately affects youth worldwide, but we have no platform to protect ourselves. Every generation deserves to have its voice heard and play a role in the peacebuilding process. We want your help to develop a UN Resolution that ensures young people’s involvement in local, national and international arenas.
If we’re going to wage peace in this crazy world, we need gear. Get equipped to handle whatever is thrown your way. Our movement has some very talented members ready to outfit us with creative resources and tools.
Your Part
Sign the pledge to join! Learn how you can change your community, connect with new friends all over the world and start your own team.
Does your youth led organization or nonprofit agree with ending violent conflict? Then we want you and your participants to join the movement! Let’s work together. We’ll promote your events, success stories, resources and more, while sharing all we create with you.
Contact us here to learn more.
Whether you’re a college student wanting to start a club or a teacher looking for curriculum you’ve come to the right place! Contact us here for more info.

PfC drives social change by creating the dynamic connections that foster great ideas, and by providing partners with the resources they need to take action.

The partnership is a community of practice that brings together large international NGOs, national & international level children/youth-led or children/youth-focused organizations, scholars and champions who believe in the key role young people play in peacebuilding processes around the world. Search for Common Ground, PATRIR, and Save the Children co-chair the Global Partnership, which includes member organizations such as Action Aid, UNICEF, the United Network of Young Peacebuilders, MercyCorps, and World Vision as well as individual experts.

Developed by Search for Common Ground
Search is an international peacebuilding and conflict resolution organization, operating out of 54 offices in 34 countries around the world.