Lebanon Projects

Partners for Justice

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Since 2019, Search for Common Ground (Search) is implementing the Partners for Justice project which aims at reducing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in Lebanon by transforming attitudes of women, girls, men, and boys towards patriarchal norms that define masculinities, and addressing the root causes […]


Search for Common Ground (Search) in partnership with ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality (ABAAD) implemented the UK AID DIRECT-funded project “Towards a Gender-Equitable Society” in Lebanon. The 12-month project that closed in June 2022 aimed at breaking gender stereotypes and helping reduce sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), including […]


Search for Common Ground (Search) Lebanon and Jordan are jointly implementing the Piloting Youth Platforms in Lebanon and Jordan project. The project aims at empowering youth in Lebanon and Jordan to utilize and govern online and in-person youth platforms as a means of collaboratively tackling issues impacting youth. […]

Lebanon Religious Freedom Roundtables

Search for Common Ground (Search) is implementing the “Religious Roundtable” project that aims to promote religious tolerance and human rights in the Middle East and South and Central Asia regions through the inclusive, collaborative, and sustainable engagement of diverse religious actors. The 36-month project, closing in 2023, targets […]

Diwan – Promoting Inclusive Governance in Wadi Khaled

Context Located on the border with Syria, Wadi Khaled is one of the most impoverished and politically marginalized areas of Lebanon. For many decades, state structures were mostly absent and residents were not registered as Lebanese nationals. Most residents did not receive full citizenship rights until 1994 when […]

Reducing the Risk of Radicalization and Violent Extremism in Custodial and Non- Custodial Setting

Search for Common Ground (Search) is working in this project aimed at contributing to reducing the risk of violent extremism in custodial and non-custodial settings. The project goal is supported by three objectives as follows: Strengthening capacities of detainees, ex-detainees, and prison and related officials in non-violent alternatives […]

Research – AUB/UNICEF

Through cooperation with the American University of Beirut’s Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (AUB-IFI), Search will provide support to identify hotspots in Lebanon with high water-related stress (in terms of quality and quantity) as well as water-related risks of conflicts, in order to propose […]