Kyrgyzstan Toolkits
Freedom of Conscience and Religion in the Kyrgyz Republic: Grievance Resolution Mechanism Guideline for Representatives of Local Government Authorities – 2020 / |
Roadmap for Implementation of Youth Initiatives at the Local Level – JashStan – 2020Under the “JashStan: Youth as agents of peace and stability” project funded by UNPBF in Kyrgyzstan from January 2019 to November 2020, we have developed this roadmap for the implementation of youth initiatives at the local level. The goal of the roadmap is to provide clear information to youth, as well as youth-lead organizations, and local self-governance bodies on the procedures for implementing youth initiatives. In particular, the document explains three levels of building youth interventions: initiatives implemented under the mandate of local self-governance bodies, state bodies, and promoting initiatives at the national level. The State Agency on Youth Affairs, Physical Education and Sports under the Government of Kyrgyz Republic and the State Agency on Local Self Governance and Interethnic Relations under the Government of Kyrgyz Republic welcomed the roadmap and expressed their readiness to disseminate the document among wide range of stakeholders in the country. |
Handbook on provision of religious education in the Kyrgyz RepublicСправочник посвящен вопросам прав человека на получение религиозного образования в Кыргызской Республике. Содержание включает вопросы и ответы о законодательных нормах Кыргызской Республики, дается информация о порядке предоставления религиозного образования, учреждении и деятельности религиозных образовательных заведений. Государственная политика в сфере религиозного образования раскрывается на основе прав человека, прав и обязанностей гражданина КР, конституционных гарантий в сфере свободы получения религиозного образования и обязательств религиозных учебных заведений. Издание предназначено для религиозных организаций, религиозных учебных заведений, исполнительных органов власти, органов местного самоуправления, духовенства и широкого круга читателей. Справочник разработан в соответствии с подготовленным проектом Положения «О порядке предоставления религиозного образования в КР». Настоящее издание было разработано в рамках проекта «Продвижение свободы религий и убеждений в Кыргызской Республике», реализуемым при финансовой поддержке международной некоммерческой корпорацией «Поиск общих интересов». This handbook provides readers with an overview of the legal and procedural framework in the Kyrgyz Republic relating to the provision of religious education. The handbook outlines legislative norms as well as procedures for providing religious education and for the establishment and organization of religious educational facilities. The handbook outlines State policy in the field of religious education, reviewing the rights and obligations of citizens, constitutional guarantees in the field of freedom of religious education and the obligations of religious educational facilities. The publication is intended for religious organizations, religious educational facilities, local governments, clergies and wider readership. The handbook was developed in accordance with the prepared draft regulation “On the procedure for the provision of religious education in the Kyrgyz Republic”. This publication was developed as part of the “Promoting freedom of religion or belief in the Kyrgyz Republic” project of Search for common ground, peacebuilding non-governmental organization.
Report on the results of court cases monitoring of the status of freedom of religion or belief in the Kyrgyz Republic. 2017, 2019Настоящая публикация включает результаты мониторинга соблюдения права на свободу совести и вероисповедания, анализ правоприменительной практики, проведенного в 2017 и 2019 гг. Представленная в Отчете информация способствует обеспечению верховенства права, укреплению гарантий прав и свобод человека в религиозной сфере, устранению противоречий в законодательстве Кыргызской Республики, а также развитию государственно-конфессиональных и межконфессиональных отношений в условиях религиозного многообразия общества. Мониторинг судебных разбирательств, связанных с реализацией свободы совести и вероисповедания в Кыргызской Республике, был проведен в рамках проекта «Продвижение свободы религий и убеждений в Кыргызской Республике», реализуемого представительством международной некоммерческой корпорации “Поиск общих интересов” The publication presents the results of the monitoring of freedom of religion or belief and the analysis of law enforcement practices conducted in 2017 and 2019. The information provided in this publication contributes to the rule of law, the strengthening of the guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the religious sphere, the elimination of contradictions in the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the strengthening of state-confessional and interfaith relations. The report and related activities were developed under the “Promoting freedom of religion or belief in the Kyrgyz Republic” project, implemented by Search for Common Ground, an international non-governmental peacebuilding organization.
The Guidebook “Monitoring of Religious Freedom Rights: A Guidebook for Observers” second edition, Bishkek, 2018«Мониторинг соблюдения права на свободу вероисповедания: пособие для наблюдателей» является вторым изданием подготовленным в качестве руководства для активистов гражданского общества Кыргызстана, проводящих мониторинг соблюдения права человека на свободу вероисповедания. Оно обобщает национальные и международные стандарты прав человека в этой области, излагает основные принципы и методы проведения мониторинга. Настоящее пособие будет полезным для сотрудников, ответственных за организацию начальной подготовки мониторинга и подготовки наблюдателей, а также лицам, работающим в сфере реформирования судебной системы или осуществляющим правозащитную деятельность. Пособие было разработано в рамках проекта «Продвижение свободы религий и убеждений в Кыргызстане», реализуемым международной некоммерческой корпорацией «Поиск общих интересов». The second edition of the “Monitoring the Observance of the Right to Religious Freedom: Guide for Observers” guideline was developed for civil society activists and observers in Kyrgyzstan to support the monitoring of the universal right to freedom of religion or belief. The guideline compiles national and international human rights standards in the area of freedom of religion and outlines the main monitoring principles. The guideline was developed for those seeking to initiate monitoring processes, train observers, and for individuals working in the field of judicial reform or human rights activism. The manual was developed under the “Promoting Freedom of Religion or Belief in Kyrgyzstan” project implemented by Search for Common Ground, an international non-governmental peacebuilding organization. Download Guidebook in Kyrgyz
Freedom of Religion or Belief in the Kyrgyz RepublicThis guidebook, Freedom of Religion or Belief in the Kyrgyz Republic: legal regulations practices in accordance to constitutional and international standards, serves as a key source of information for local judges, prosecutors, advocates, and investigators who are involved in litigation. The guidebook provides legal professionals and law officers with information that supports a legal precedent to protect religious freedom. This is based on Kyrgyz and international law and contains relevant case studies. The guidebook contains three chapters. Each provides an overview of the constitutional framework, international standards, and practice in addressing specific issues related to freedom of religion and beliefs. Chapters also contain analysis of the Kyrgyz legislation that establishes legal conditions for the religious freedom exercise and practices of its application. The guidebook consists of a legal framework for the provision of FoRB in the Kyrgyz Republic. This includes legal regulation practice of acquisition of the legal entity status by a religious community, criteria for missionary activity and proselytizing limitation, religious intolerance and discrimination, and legal aspects of extremist materials recognition cases.
Social Media to P/CVE: Toolkit for PractitionersThis Toolkit has been created on the basis of the key findings obtained in the framework of the Search for Common Ground (Search) “Social Media for De-Radicalization in Kyrgyzstan: A Model for Central Asia’s” pilot project funded by the Bureau of Counterterrorism, US Department of State. |