Kyrgyzstan Reports
Central and South Asia Strategy SummarySearch for Common Ground’s strategy for “Central and South Asia,” focuses on the dynamics within and around five countries – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Developed in 2019, this strategy focuses on our approach for our work in the conflict geography which is made up of three interlocking conflict systems: Afghanistan’s recurring and ongoing war; social and political divisions in Pakistan, particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on Afghanistan’s border; and the conflicts of the Ferghana Valley and beyond in Central Asia. |
Kazakhstan’s Approach and Experience in Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Repatriates – 2021Данная публикация была подготовлена в рамках проекта «Укрепление социальной сплоченности в странах Центральной Азии», финансируемого Европейским союзом и реализуемого НКО «Поиск общих интересов» и ОФ «Право». Автором данной публикации является Юлия Шаповал – Профессор кафедры религиоведения Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева, Казахстан. В публикации изложен анализ подхода и опыта Казахстана в реабилитации и реинтеграции граждан, репатриированных из зон террористической активности в Сирии и Ираке, выявлены успешные практики и недостатки, представлены рекомендации по улучшению программ по реабилитации и реинтеграции репатриантов. Публикация предназначена для лиц принимающих решения, экспертов и консультантов, представителей гражданского общества, а также широкого круга читателей, интересующихся политикой Казахстана в отношении реабилитации и реинтеграции репатриантов из зон террористической активности в Сирии и Ираке. This publication was prepared within the framework of the project “Strengthening social cohesion in Central Asian countries”, funded by the European Union and implemented by Search for Common Ground and the Public Fund Pravo. The author of this publication is Dr. Yulia Shapoval – Professor of the Department of Religious Studies at the Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan. The publication contains an analysis of the approach and experience of Kazakhstan in the rehabilitation and reintegration of citizens repatriated from the zones of terrorist activity in Syria and Iraq, identifies successful practices and shortcomings, and provides recommendations for improving programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of repatriates. The publication is intended for decision-makers, experts and consultants, representatives of civil society, as well as a wide range of readers interested in Kazakhstan’s policy regarding the rehabilitation and reintegration of repatriates from the zones of terrorist activity in Syria and Iraq. |
Report on the results of court cases monitoring of the status of freedom of religion or belief in the Kyrgyz Republic. 2017, 2019Настоящая публикация включает результаты мониторинга соблюдения права на свободу совести и вероисповедания, анализ правоприменительной практики, проведенного в 2017 и 2019 гг. Представленная в Отчете информация способствует обеспечению верховенства права, укреплению гарантий прав и свобод человека в религиозной сфере, устранению противоречий в законодательстве Кыргызской Республики, а также развитию государственно-конфессиональных и межконфессиональных отношений в условиях религиозного многообразия общества. Мониторинг судебных разбирательств, связанных с реализацией свободы совести и вероисповедания в Кыргызской Республике, был проведен в рамках проекта «Продвижение свободы религий и убеждений в Кыргызской Республике», реализуемого представительством международной некоммерческой корпорации “Поиск общих интересов” The publication presents the results of the monitoring of freedom of religion or belief and the analysis of law enforcement practices conducted in 2017 and 2019. The information provided in this publication contributes to the rule of law, the strengthening of the guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the religious sphere, the elimination of contradictions in the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the strengthening of state-confessional and interfaith relations. The report and related activities were developed under the “Promoting freedom of religion or belief in the Kyrgyz Republic” project, implemented by Search for Common Ground, an international non-governmental peacebuilding organization.
Information flows and radicalization leading to violent extremism in Central Asia“Information flows and radicalization leading to violent extremism in Central Asia” is a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative study conducted in three countries of the Central Asian region by the SFCG Kyrgyzstan team with the support of Internews Kyrgyzstan and funding provided by the European Union. This comprehensive study consists of an in-depth study of existing literature and publications in the media, semi-structured interviews and representative surveys about the information consumption habits of ordinary people in the region. A thorough analysis of the habits of information consumption revealed the following basic patterns and findings:
In the detailed reports available both in Russian and English, you can find more information that describes in detail the above findings. |
Youth as Agents of Peace and Stability in Kyrgyzstan – Conflict Assessment and Baseline ReportThis report presents the finding of the “Conflict Assessment and Baseline Survey of the UNPBF-funded “Youth as Agents of Peace and Stability in Kyrgyzstan” phase II. The purpose of the study was to measure the extent of correlations between the vulnerability and susceptibility of the marginalized youth to radicalization leading to violence. The study also identified the most-at-risk youth and other stakeholders in the 15 target communities and furnished recommendations to tailor the project activities to the specific needs and grievances of the targeted youth while considering gender differences and contextual factors specific to each of the project communities. The key research question of this study was To what extent are marginalized youth groups (especially children of labor migrants, children/young relatives of returnees from combat zones and of detainees on the basis of extremism charges, and youth who are registered at local juvenile police for committing crime) susceptible to radicalization leading to violence? |
Information Flows and Radicalization Leading to Violent Extremism in Central AsiaThis report – Information Flows and Radicalization Leading to Violent Extremism in Central Asia – emerged from our project with Internews “Contributing to stability and peace in Central Asia through media literacy, improved reporting and regional cooperation.” The project is focused on national and regional efforts to prevent radicalization in Central Asia through increasing the capacity of journalists, civic activists, and media professionals in the production of high-quality media content and raising the level of critical media consumption of representatives of civil society, decision-makers, and the public. This study aimed to identify and analyze the local drivers of extremist sympathies, the pertinent information flows, the trusted sources of information; and the support needed to amplify respected, moderate local voices. The findings of field research in the three countries revealed that political drivers – mostly push factors – were pronounced in Kyrgyzstan, while economic and especially ideological drivers were the more prevailing explanations in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. But in all countries, besides these larger structural factors, several enabling factors were strongly present in respondents’ views – lack or poor education (especially in matters of religion), the vulnerabilities of youth (inexperience; unemployment; weakening family bonds; etc.), enabling linkages (radicalized relatives; friends and good acquaintances), and the internet (as a tool of communicating radical ideas and messages). |
Making Deradicalization WorkThis case study was carried out in the framework of the Social Media for Deradicalization in Kyrgyzstan: A Model for Central Asia 12-month pilot project, funded by the U.S. State Department Counterterrorism Bureau in October 2016. It was self-initiated by the pilot’s two team members: the coordinator and monitoring and evaluation specialist. The goal of the study had been to identify the key factors for successful P/CVE campaigning via social media and share those with other global P/CVE practitioners. This work is unique and a pioneer attempt to conduct a baseline assessment of the challenges and opportunities in conducting social media campaigns to counter violent extremism. |