CIV Evaluations
Final evaluation – Dec 2015 – From Knowledge to Action: Supporting Women as Credible Leaders in Ivorian ReconciliationAs part of the national reconciliation process in Cote d’Ivoire, SFCG conducted the project “From Knowledge to Action: Supporting Women as Credible Leaders in Ivorian Reconciliation” in 2013-2015, funded by the US State Department. The overall goal was to strengthen women’s participation in the reconciliation process and to guide them to be peace and conflict prevention actors at the community level. The project was conducted in partnership with 14 women’s associations from 7 localities of Cote d’Ivoire. An external evaluation was carried out and it found the project effective including key findings such as increased involvement of women leaders and associations in local decision-making process. Women leaders’ voices were found to more often be taken into account by local authorities and the project significantly contributed to enhance the image of women leaders in the decision-making process within their communities. However, the evaluation also confirmed that project has sustainability issues in the medium/ long term due to e.g. absence of formal frameworks for cooperation and consultation between women’s groups and local authorities as well as financial vulnerability of women’s associations. Further, though 100% of women´s associations increased their level of formalization and functioning, 90% of the members interviewed stated that they were in need of additional training on similar topics. |
Project « La Voix de la Go » (The Voice of the Girl) – Final Evaluation (French)Between April 1st and September 30th 2014, Search for Common Ground (SFCG) Ivory Coast implemented a project named “La Voix de la Go” (The Voice of the Girl) in four secondary schools, two in the locality of Abobo and two in Yopougon. This project targeted young women (14-19 years old) and globally aimed at transforming perceptions towards the acceptation of their key role in social cohesion and development. Forty girls from these schools received capacity reinforcement in scenarios writing and shooting techniques. Twenty-three of them were then able to write scenarios and make their own movies, which were then broadcasted on Facebook and Youtube, as well as in their schools through public screenings. The final evaluation of the project “The Voice of the Girl” aimed at evaluating its efficacy, impact and visibility, through a mixt methodology: a questionnaire with 300 students, 8 focus group discussions with the film directors (4) and with students of the audience (4), and 11 interviews with the parents of these young female movie directors (7), consultants involved in the project (3) and the project manager (1). The evaluation particularly shows that the project enabled the girls to be initiated to the media as a mean to express various difficulties they are confronted to in schools, in their family or within their respective community. The quality of the produced movies in terms of transmission of key messages on their preoccupations and in terms of spreading female leadership models would justify the reiteration of this type of projects so as to consolidate project achievements and reach more beneficiaries. |
Final evaluation report of « J’aime Notre Pays. Launching Societal Post-Conflict Transformation in Côte d’Ivoire” (French)Côte d’Ivoire’s 2010 presidential elections resulted in a four-month period of organized mayhem and violence. National reconciliation to overcome the country’s longstanding divisions is a priority for the new government and a necessary precursor to finding solutions for the daunting challenges ahead. In a response, SFCG implemented a two-year project which aimed at improving the way Ivoirians deal with conflict, with funds from the USAID. The project’s specific objectives were to (1) increase community leaders’ participation in the national reconciliation process in conflict prone areas; and (2) to strengthen the national conversation about tolerance and unity in diversity among the general public. SFCG’s approach, aimed at shifting the public discourse and promoting a culture of non-violence, was hoping to generate momentum for long-term social change. As the project came to an end in November 2013, SFCG contracted an external evaluation firm to undertake the final evaluation of the project’s impact, efficacy and sustainability. |
Final evaluation report of “Avançons ensemble! An Initiative for Post Crisis Reconciliation and Unity in Côte d’Ivoire” (French)After the 2010 post-electoral crisis in Côte d’Ivoire, the country faced a polarization along political, ethnic and religious lines. Dialogue and an atmosphere of political tolerance was necassary in order to enable the country’s leaders to build the consensus required to address the contentious issues that underlay the crisis. The “Avançons Ensemble” project conducted between 2011 and 2013 represents oe component of our multi-pronged societal conflict transformation strategy in Côte d’Ivoire. In line with this project, we supported the nation’s leaders through targeted coaching and training, while using targeted media to promote political tolerance and lay the groundwork for constructive debate. As the project came to an end in December 2013, SFCG hired the Ivorian Evaluation consultancy firm to conduct the final evaluation of this project, and measure its efficacy, impact and sustainability. |
Rapport de recherche sur la perception réciproque ex combattants-populations dans les localités de Duékoué, San Pedro et TabouSince the end of the post electoral crisis in 2011, the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) of ex combatants represents a major security challenge for the Ivorian authorities. This research analyses to the needs of the ex-combatants and their host communities and identifies the obstacles, which prevent from breaking the mistrust between communities and ex-combatants in order to appease social tensions. It also provides recommendations on how to achieve an effective and sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants in Cote d’Ivoire. The research was conducted by an independent consultant in January 2014. It is based on a methodology using a participatory approach for collecting and analysing opinions, testimonies and observation of facts from key stakeholders of the DDR process and contacts in the localities concerned. Three different tools for collecting qualitative data were designed: semi-structured interview guide, focus group and qualitative survey questionnaires took place in Duékoué, San Pedro and Tabou. 400 people participated in the data collection, consisted of civil and military administrative authorities, community leaders, leaders of associations, civil societies, and 300 ex-combatants. Findings show that the key determinants of social cohesion – mutual trust, dynamic inter-community dialogue and, tolerance and acceptance of differences -are absent. In the three localities concerned by the research, the ex-combatants are observed with distrust and resentment, or rejected by the host communities. For their part, the ex-combatants condemn the lack of assistance of community leaders in their reintegration. |
Measuring SFCG’s media programs reach and resonance – Listenership and viewership survey (French)With 30 partner community radios throughout the country, one TV program, one newspaper and six weekly radio programs, SFCG is an active actor of the Ivorian media sector. In order to sharpen its media programming, partnerships and the format of its radio productions, SFCG hired an external Research Firm to conduct an extensive listenership and viewership survey among over 5,000 households from seven different regions of the country. The report gives insight on the reach and resonance of our media activities in Cote d’Ivoire. |
Promouvoir une culture de la paix en milieu scolaire en Côte d’Ivoire – Etude de base“Promoting a culture of peace in schools” is a 16-month project funded by the UNICEF in four regions and one district of Côte d’Ivoire (Haut Sassandra, Guemon, Poro, Gbèke, Abidjan). The project is running from September 2013 to December 2014, with the following goal: contribute to making students and teachers more resilient to conflict and to making them be actors of peace in their school environments.The present baseline report was conducted in order to (a) identify the current situation of conflict dynamics, perception of peace, entry points for peacebuilding activities, role models and teachers’ knowledge of peacebuilding principles (among others) in primary and secondary schools and colleges in the targeted areas, as well as (b) to collect project baseline indicators. The information collected was used by SFCG to create criteria for the selection of schools participating in the project. |