Youth Talk



Mali, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic have recently signed peace agreements. However, the negotiations were mainly limited to adult elites. Although they make up the demographic majority, young people in these three countries lack the means to express themselves and participate in the decisions that affect their lives. Yet they have incredible power to build peace, bridge divides and develop solutions.

Our Youth Talk project, funded by the Bezos Family Foundation, contributed to change this dynamic. This initiative empowered a group of more than 100 young radio journalists to report on local conflicts and create radio programs to help people find common ground.

These are not just kids who have learned new skills. They have something powerful to say and have finally found a national platform to be heard - a space to give shape to their dreams of building a safer and more just country.

Here are their stories.


Click on the link below to learn more about Youth Talk and download our free storybook. Or, here to read the project’s final evaluation.

Over the decades, Search has created similar programs in other parts of the world, from Sierra Leone to Burundi. The people we trained eventually became nationally recognized investigative journalists. Leaders like former Liberian President Sirleaf and U.S. ambassadors have credited our radio programs with preventing mass atrocities and genocide and uniting entire nations around a common goal. Travel with us to LIBERIA, SIERRA LEONE, and again to MALI to read more stories about how our radio programs have helped sow the seeds of peace.