Mena Ayazi, USA

Mena Ayazi, USA

Mena Ayazi is a young peacebuilder with experience in organizing diaspora and youth advocates for peace and justice. She is currently a Program Officer for the Children and Youth division at Search for Common Ground (SFCG) where she supports Search’s global and U.S. based Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) advocacy, youth programming, youth protection, and serves as a Co-Chair of the U.S. YPS Coalition. Prior to joining SFCG, Mena was the Manager for Policy and Communications at the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) where she focused on global fragility, network building, and shaping peacebuilding narratives. Mena also spent a few years at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) as a Research Assistant where she researched gender dynamics in conflict, coordinated the U.S. Civil Society Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, and researched America youth and educator engagement in global peacebuilding. She also has experience cultivating youth leaders from around the world with Seeds of Peace International and the Conflict Resolution Youth Summit. Mena actively works with the Afghan- American-American community to engage the Afghan diaspora in transnational peacebuilding and American politics. She received both her BA and MS in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University.