Pakistan Reports
Transforming Violent Extremism for Women Peace Architects in Pakistan – 2023Inspiring the Next Generation of Independent Media in Pakistan |
Youth Mapping Report (Karachi and Lahore)Youth Mapping Report (Karachi and Lahore) |
Barrier Analysis – Inspiring the Next Generation of Independent Media in PakistanInspiring the Next Generation of Independent Media in Pakistan |
Central and South Asia Strategy SummarySearch for Common Ground’s strategy for “Central and South Asia,” focuses on the dynamics within and around five countries – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Developed in 2019, this strategy focuses on our approach for our work in the conflict geography which is made up of three interlocking conflict systems: Afghanistan’s recurring and ongoing war; social and political divisions in Pakistan, particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on Afghanistan’s border; and the conflicts of the Ferghana Valley and beyond in Central Asia. |
Search For Common Ground Pakistan: Progress Report 2013-2014SFCG Pakistan’s Annual Progress Report 2013-2014 presents key activities and peacebuilding programmes in Pakistan carried out during aforementioned period. SFCG Pakistan’s peacebuilding initiatives are laid out in essential figures with project content overview, analysis and lively pictures of key events. |
Understanding the Dynamics of Conflict and Peacebuilding in PakistanThis report contains the abridged baseline studies for two projects currently being implemented by SFCG in partnership with other Pakistani organizations. The study titled ‘Perception among Youth and Community Leaders about Conflict’ was conducted for SFCG’s project ‘Promotion of Dialogue for Peacebuilding through Media and Youth Mobilization in Pakistan’, which is supported by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Since 2011, SFCG has been implementing this project in partnership with Intermedia Pakistan, Uks Resource Center, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Pakistan Press Foundation and Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation. The project covers 25 districts across Pakistan’s four provinces (including the Northern Areas and Azad Jammu & Kashmir) with the aim to strengthen Pakistan’s fragile context by shifting attitudes and behaviors of the Pakistani population away from adversarial, intolerant approaches towards greater tolerance, inclusiveness and understanding among the country’s various regional, ethnic and socio-ethnic groups. The project engages youth and local leaders, as well as television, radio and print journalists, and is designed to increase their capacity to play an active role in creating peace and promoting tolerance and co-existence. It additionally provides the beneficiaries with platforms to apply their new skills in conflict analysis, mediation, dialogue and leadership. More information about the project can be found here. |