Jordan Projects

Jusoor (‘Bridges’): Building Bridges between Local Authorities with Youth and  Communities

Funded by: the Federal Foreign Office of Germany and implemented in partnership with Al-Thoria Center for Studies, Consultancies, and Training. Term: December 2021 – September 2023 (Phase II). Objective Search for Common Ground (Search) is implementing a 20-month initiative with the overall goal of strengthening youth-centered participatory approaches […]

TechCamp Jordan (Hakkerha!): Entrepreneurial Approaches to Countering Disinformation & Misinformation

Funded by: the US Embassy in Jordan, Public Affairs Section (in partnership with US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs).Term: September 2021 – October 2022. Objective Search for Common Ground (Search) is implementing a 12-month initiative to empower young Jordanian women and men to play […]

Our Shared Heritage in Jordan –
Storytelling for Social Change

At Search for Common Ground, we believe that media and storytelling can lift diverse perspectives, shed light on societal issues, and build emotional connections that inspire people to take action. Our project Our Shared Heritage in Jordan is an example of our approach to mobilizing storytelling and media […]

Promoting Social Cohesion through Peace Camps

Through a partnership with Caritas Jordan, we are enabling the creation of safe spaces for youth through a peace education program. Promoting Social Cohesion Through Peace Camps builds nonviolent and conflict resolution skills for 600 Syrian girls and boys through dynamic 4-day “peace camps” in five locations throughout […]

Ana La’abah

We’re using sports to help girls overcome cultural barriers and interact across the divides that affect Jordan today.

Empowering Girls while Building Social Cohesion through Physical Education and Sports

By playing soccer together, Jordanian and Syrian girls are breaching the barriers of mistrust that kept them apart.

Madam President – Screenings and Dialogues

Our show is raising awareness among youth on the need for women to play an active role in society.