Children & Youth Toolkits

Teen Voices for Peace

This guide draws on decades of learning with seldom heard adolescents involved in Search for Common Ground (Search) programs. It captures good practice, challenges and solutions for bringing new adolescent voices to media and policy in conflict affected countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. It was […]

Toolkit – Translating Youth, Peace & Security Policy into Practice – December 2020

“Translating Youth, Peace & Security Policy into Practice” considers how to advance United Nations Security Resolution 2250. The toolkit, jointly produced by Search for Common Ground and the United Network of Young Peacebuilders, provides practical tips for translating strategy into action.


Le recensement des jeunes est une méthode utilisée pour identifier les jeunes leaders dans leur milieu et pour ainsi comprendre :

  • Comment les jeunes sont organisés ?
  • Comment les groupes dirigés par des jeunes, qu’ils soient formels ou informels, sont structurés ?
  • Comment ces jeunes et groupes dirigés par des jeunes influencent-ils leur communauté ?

Pour garantir un impact maximal et une programmation de qualité, il faut veiller à mobiliser les jeunes dès le début du processus de conception du projet. L’activité de recensement de jeunes devrait obéir à un processus participatif et être menée principalement par des jeunes (jeunes recenseurs).

Ce manuel est un modèle contenant des orientations générales sur l’intégration et la mise en œuvre d’activités pour le recensement des jeunes dans des programmes. Il est une note d’orientation que le porteur de projet devra adapter aux besoins spécifiques du projet en question. En question. Par exemple, lors d’un recensement des jeunes essentiellement porté sur les potentiels chefs de gangs, alors l’approche, les objectifs et les moyens (y compris l’équipe que vous utiliserez) devront être modulés afin de les adapter au projet en question. N’oubliez pas que ce manuel est un guide et qu’il est nécessaire que vous adaptiez davantage vos méthodes et approches afin de mieux harmoniser votre projet.

COVID-19 Discussion Paper: Youth & the COVID-19 Crisis in Conflict-Affected Contexts

The current pandemic is a defining cultural and political moment for today’s generation of youth. Many are leading their communities’ response to COVID-19. Indeed, young people are often at the front lines of responses in times of conflict and crisis. From feeding the poor and marginalized to using dance to manage psychosocial stress and trauma, young people are implementing conflict-sensitive and innovative solutions to an unprecedented crisis…

Accommodating Religious Identity in Youth Peacebuilding Programs

This toolkit presents an overview of how our programs engage, respect, and accommodate young people’s religious identities around the world, based on insights from Search for Common Ground staff and evaluations. The toolkit identifies positive outcomes and challenges from case studies in the field, examining the different types of programming engaging young people and their religious identities (inter-, intra-, and non-religious programming). A section with recommendations for incorporating gender sensitivities in religious peacebuilding follows, and the toolkits concludes with a review of practical religious considerations for designing and implementing programs. At the end of the toolkit, two appendices provide additional guidance on religious sensitivity in the program cycle and relevant resources for further reading.

We hope that sharing insights from programs in different locations and contexts will contribute to the efforts of Search and other peace practitioners to continuously improve practice in this area.

Youth-led Research Guidance Note

Youth-led research is a powerful tool for youth empowerment and engagement, and for inquiry contributing to improved understanding of community issues. At Search for Common Ground, we have pioneered projects which put the power of research, design, and advocacy in the hands of young people.

This guidance note presents some of the lessons learned by youth-led research projects in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Burundi, and Tanzania. The intention of this document is to assist practitioners in recognizing the multiple values of youth-led research as a program approach and to identify key considerations to help guide the design and implementation of new projects.


Youth Radio for Peacebuilding – A Guide (2nd Edition)

by Michael Shipler This is a guidebook, not a workshop or conference report. It has been written for radio broadcasters (adults and youth) who want to make good, entertaining youth radio programmes which also build peace. The tools described here are meant for use by those working in […]