

Indonesia is one of the most diverse countries on the planet. It is home to more than 1,000 ethnic groups and to the largest Muslim population in the world, as well as Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Confucians. Despite a rich history of cultural and religious pluralism, Indonesia has seen a rise in radicalism and intolerance along ethnic, religious, and gender lines since the end of a 32-year authoritarian regime in 1998.

Since 2002, we have used collaborative development projects, leadership trainings, and tech-based programs to promote tolerance, understanding, and peace. We collaborate with civil society, national executive and legislative bodies, and law enforcement officers to build a peaceful and plural Indonesia without violent conflict.

world ranking

#1 is most peaceful, equal, and democratic



out of
163 countries

gender equality


out of
145 countries



out of
167 countries

stay connected with our Indonesia office

Speed Drawing for Peacebuilding - Speed drawing videos have recently become popular as an effective form of ‘edutainment’, promote educational messages that also entertain viewers. Organizations use this live illustration format as a means to help explain a seemingly complex and serious subject in an uncomplicated and easy to understand [...]

latest projects

PROTECT: Promoting Collective Effort Towards Resilience and Tolerance in Indonesia - The PROTECT project launched in July 2021 by Search for Common Ground in collaboration with Yayasan Satu Keadilan (YSK), Jaringan Kerjasama Antar Umat Beragama (Jakatarub), and the KAKAK Foundation. This  30-month project seeks to empower minority groups and allies to address barriers to rights and freedoms of minority […]
Building Resilience through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration to Prevent Violent Extremism in Indonesia - Search for Common Ground implemented Building Resilience through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration to Prevent Violent Extremism in Indonesia from September 2020 to September 2022. The project aimed to strengthen comprehensive community-based responses to violent extremist radicalization, recruitment, and recidivism. Context Search focused on building both government and local capacity to […]
Harmoni: Towards Inclusion and Resilience -

Harmoni is a four-year program funded by USAID and implemented by Management Systems International (MSI) in collaboration with Love Frankie and Search for Common Ground, and in partnership with Indonesian civil society organizations (CSOs) and government agencies...




Country Representative
Bahrul Wijaksana
Search – Indonesia

latest news